What you Should Know About Eyelid Lifting or Using Lid-Up Strips *
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If your eyelids are droopy or saggy, then this may give you a tired or aged look. However, there are ways to enhance droopy eyelids and make them look more lifted and firm which widens your eyes and makes them more open.
When was the last time you examined your eye lids? The eyes are an important facial feature and enhancing them enhances the beauty of your entire face not to mention makes you look more youthful. Eyelids are a big part of determining how your eyes look.
……but maybe you want to avoid such an intervention and the associated risk, especially since you never know if the result is what you want it to be.
Besides, if you are flinching right now just at the sound of plastic surgery in connection to your eyes, then you probably are not a very good candidate for the procedure! I mean, I twitch at the sight of an insect flying yards away so I also don’t quite cherish the idea of plastic surgery to correct my droopy creepy eyelids either.
Fortunately, there is some good news. You do not have to go through the invasive procedure of plastic surgery and instead, you can use eyelid tape. Yes you had that right. Eyelid tape, stickers, strips or adhesives are used as a non-invasive alternative to plastic surgery.
They are a great beauty hack to give your eyelid the instant facelift that will take years off your face and in particular the eye area. They make your eyes look open and radiant and are hence the best way to give yourself eyelids.
The strips that are responsible for giving you an instant eyelid lift work in an amazingly effective manner. At https://www.wonderstripes.de/pages/anwendung you can see how the strips are applied:
You stick them on the eyelids to lift them and voila! No more hooded or sagging eyelids!
To make matters even better, these strips such as XXL Lashes Lid-Up Strips, Magicstripes or Wonderstripes are transparent and cannot be seen.
They are also easy to use, and very comfortable to have. XXL Lashes Lid-Up Strips in particular are made from very fine perforated silicon material that is breathable which is great on the sensitive skin area around the eye area.
Also, they are quite economical because when you buy one of pack, you are guaranteed 120 strips that will last you at least 4 months.
When you put these curved strips on your eyelid, then they hoist the extra skin and make the eyelid look firmer and more lifted for a brighter look.
They also make eye makeup look better and last longer, something that droopy hooded eyelids do not, because they make the space that you can do smooth techniques with your eye makeup becomes less and less as time goes by.
• Put on the strips using either your fingers or tweezers for a nice finish depending on what you prefer. Since, like I said, I flinch at the sight of anything close to my eye, I am more comfortable with using my fingers.
• When looking for the perfect spot to place your strip, you need not do a trial and error unless you are willing to. Close the eyelid over the eye and pinch the top and bottom together lightly to identify the crease. This is an especially great technique if your eyelid is lined and you are unsure which crease line is the actual eyelid crease. Once you have identified the crease, place the strip above it allowing the curve of the eye socket to guide your application.
• Depending on the extent of the hood or sag of your eyelid, you can choose to get the small, medium or large strips. The larger the strip, the more difference it makes once you have stuck it on your eyelid.
Finally, once you apply the strip, another prudent thing you can do is apply some light or heavy makeup to make the bigger eyelid area that the strip offers, pop. Besides, eye makeup will make it easier for you to hide the eyelid lifting strip and therefore make the overall look even more seamless and smooth.
• When you use the eyelid lifting strips, you get a more defined crease that completely eliminate the hooded eye look.
• Lifting your eyelid gives your eyes a popping, brighter and more defined wide-awake look that makes you look younger and more energetic.
• XXL Lashes Lid-Up strips are not very noticeable and once you apply some light eye makeup, you would have to point them out to someone for them to notice that you have the strips on.
• The strips also make more of the space your eyelids occupy available for better eye makeup application. Say goodbye to sad eye makeup that limits your range of amazing experimenting with liner and eye shadow among other types of eye makeup.
• Finally, the strips help you achieve the effects of blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery) without needing to go under the knife. For Koreans and people born with a mono lid they are a great way to create a temporary crease. For people with droopy or hooded eyelids, the strips are also an excellent method of lifting the eyelids and making them seem firmer which improves the overall look of the eyes for all of these groups. They making you feel more confident in the way that your eyes look and how they transform your entire face.
Lid up Strips can easily be ordered online for example here:
• Magicstripes at Douglas, 64 pcs at 21,74 EUR:
• Wonderstripes, 84 pcs at 21,90 EUR:
• XXL Lashes Lid-up Strips, 120 pcs at 18,44: